Sunday, June 6, 2010

Zen Music Moment- Opieland hotel

During November of 2008, Ashley traveled to Nashville for the national English teachers convention. I took the chance to go with her.... and stayed at the Eddie gaylord "Opieland".. a sprawling expanse of hotels, convention centers, shops, Bars and restaurants all under one protective dome. Gaylord had built a city of the future... like the domed cities of sci fi.
While Ash attended the convention, I wandered thew dome. It was intricate and each area was themed. I checked the maps often to make sure I wasn't lost when we were supposed to meet.
That evening, Ash and I decided to find a bar with live music and settle in for a couple beers. We checked out the Irish PUb for a while and then settled in a small club with a 3 piece guitar band on stage.
The guys were good. They played a great selection of tunes and the bar seemed to be getting into the music. I know we were.
Then.. THAT GUY showed up. The one who is drunk... who wants everyone to see and hear him. The obnoxious and irrepressible class clown who thinks he is funnier than he really is.... the village idiot.
He began by yelling song titles at the band. Then his southern rock brain cells, freed by copious amonts of alcohol, kicked into high gear.
"Freebird! Freebird!" he chanted over and over... at the end of each song, during the song.... and even offering money for the band to play tyhat clssic that radio has done so much to wear out.
At last, the singer stopped and addressed the moron.
"I knew you would be here tonight. I didn't know when or what you would look like, but... I knew you would be here."

Why is it there is always that idiot or his clone that shows up at a show? recently at a Cross Canadian ragweed show in OKC, some dumbass hits the lead singer with a Jack Daniels bottle? I was at a Todd Rundgren solo show in Tulsa where during a slow "Can We still be friends"... a beer bottle whizzes across the stage and over the piano. At another show at Cain's Ballroom, Rundgren stops the show because some dumbass... a clone to the pone in Nashville... is talking so loudly by the stage... that peoiple around him are having trouble hearing the concert. He was much more interested i trying to get into the pants of the woman there than the show he had apparently paid for.... and that we had paid for.
These guys.. always guys.. keep showing up. UGh... even as non-violent as I am, I fantasize choking them in guitar chords... dismembering g them with drum sticks...hanging hem from the stage lights ....
but it's only a fantasy.

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