Friday, January 30, 2009

I Should Have Been a Rock Star- Zen Moment 6

My family had undertaken the dream trip of a lifetime. In mid-June, we flew to England with the intent of taking three weeks to drive the length and breath of England, Wales and Scotland.
We traveled cheap, eating lunch from grocery stores, breakfast at our B&B and eating at a pub for dinner. We stayed in London the first several days before renting a car and striking out across the island. On our 3rd or 4th day out of London, traveling first across the south of England, from Canterbury to Salisbury before turning north, we stopped in a small town, located a music store and bought “Queen’s Greatest Hits” on cassette for the boys. Wayne’s world” had recently made a new generation aware of Queen and so listened and sang Queen’s hits, especially “Bohemian Rhapsody” as we drove.
Our pace was mad, but Ash and I were determined to cram as much of the British Isles into this trip as possible. The boys did great, even though they were both young. I think Fletch was about 10 and Cor6. They behaved like troopers and from time to time were rewired such as when we stumbled onto a 12th c farmhouse Bed and Breakfast near the city of Bath. We stayed the night and the boys were able to run and play with the animals.
On one of our stops, in the late English afternoon, near the border of Scotland, we unloaded our gear into the B&B and walked to a nearby park. The air was cool with sea breeze and the grass and trees were a bright green. The boys immediately ran towards the swings positioned inside a small fenced area while ash and walked behind them.
In the park, we pushed the boys in their swings and ran with them, playing chase and tag. As we played, we began to sing Beatles songs, beginning with “The Yellow Submarine” and rolling from one song to the next. The boys knew the songs by heart, as many had served as their bedtime lullabies.
We skipped through the late afternoon to the tune of a dozen songs by our favorite Liverpudlians, and then tired and happy, arm in arm, made our way back to expected rest and beds of the small B&B.
The Beatles never sounded so good as sung on their own soil.

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